Thursday, September 2, 2010


One of my most important goals for my time here is to improve my Spanish, so I’m really glad that I’m having plenty of opportunities to speak the language.  That said, communicating only in Spanish is exhausting!  It was mostly just fun at first, when I was meeting the other people from my program.  Now that we’re past basic introductions and are having actual conversations, it’s pretty tough!  Forming a sentence in the conditional perfect after a long day of classes sometimes seems almost impossible, especially since most of us are still suffering from jetlag.  I almost feel like I might have to get a bit worse before I get better.  Holding a conversation at a normal-ish pace while speaking only in grammatically sound sentences seems far beyond my reach at this point, so I’m starting to get really, really sloppy.  On the bright-ish side, I’ve talked to several people who are having similar experiences, so at least it’s not just me.  And, fortunately, I have 80 hours of Intensivo to look forward to in the next month, so that will help me improve my grammar.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're doing this blog, not only for us but for you. In a month or three, you'll be amazed at your own progress in the language, and that will be a fine feeling!
